Maha Iswara is everywhere. Is everything. It is the source of all. And is where all is heading towards. And in between there are only different manifestations of it. Some in different sizes, shapes, colors, functions. Some sentient, some non sentient. Some perceptible to some senses. Some perceptible to other.
In the vast expressions of Maha Iswara we, humans come across. And our thoughts, our creativity, our creations is also a product of Maha Iswara. Or maybe a subproduct, a product non the less. We are part of this vast infinite fabric of life that is Maha Iswara. A tiny bit of it we might be. Like the dot we are in the vast immense known universe, and beyond. In the midst of this vastness of forms and expressive manifestations, there is the subtle and the gross of manifestations. Vibration is of the subtlest of Maha Iswara. From each vibration a different tone, a different creation, a different manifestation. The complex mix and combination of different kinds of vibrations raise density of manifestation from the said subtle to gross. At least at our perception. Maha Iswara is like the primordial basic vibration that leads to every manifestation. Maha Iswara is the source and the end. The unperceptible vibrations at the source and end are the same. In between comes all forms. Most of us have brutalized our use of the senses. Our sensitivity has been compromised to a level that we no longer can connect to the source at its source. We can in fact, with hard work of purification and regaining the control of the senses. Our senses are used to be communicating with grossest levels of manifestations. Being another being or a plant or a rock, we are not feeling or sensing it to the deepest level. Our sensation is smothered with vicious habits and the finer forms of communication with universe, which are the most direct ones, are being interfered with endless counter posed vibrations. We are not able to listen Maha Iswara as close to its source as we could. Maha Iswara is indeed us. Made of the same. And the fact is that Maha Iswara is always communicating with us where we coming from and where we are heading to. It’s harder for us to notice all subtle forms of this communication. We are in fact addicted to encode the purity of the “messages”. Even in the written words we read that is happening. But if we really want to notice the spiritual messages coming from within or without that are arriving at any given moment. The messenger can be anyone unknown to us on a bus, any commercial poster, a song that just played on radio, the blowing wind, the sea breeze scent, a cleaning lady’s smile, a street artisan, a child you don’t know or even your own son, etc… everything is conveying the message for us. The language of Maha Iswara is everything. If we truly vow and hear Maha Iswara we will see that it’s hidden insights and messages are expressed in so many funny ways. The unexpected events, hilarious or horrific, are often conveying the most important messages. It’s incredible and we can just be watching ourselves as we feel something. As we get triggered or enthusiastic about something. And we can look deeper within and try to identify the one within who is perceiving me relating to all this. There, we have found a deeper and closer to Maha Iswara sense of self. Untied to the self in all its cross work of relationships. And taking the ride back to the infinite through any mundane it isn’t so hard. We just got to listen and not get too involved and wrapped up without noticing it. Cause if we are always paying enough attention to ourselves within the mundane circumstances to what is going on, to the messages around us we can be involved without getting caught up in misunderstanding of what we truly are. There is the fact that the messages are so many and overwhelming because they are most of them created artificially, inorganically are man made. Made by man and overflows ones mind with information that comes and floods everyone’s mind. It occupies space to flood our brains so much and we didn’t even invite that information in. It’s invading. And it’s meant to be this way. Human brains are disconnected to calmer and soother vibrations of the source of life because they are filled with an amazing amount of information, toxic information unable to be digested. This information built itself by busy minds, boosting other busy minds in a competitive stream to clog the minds of any commoner embarked on living this life. Information that is unneeded is built on and out of any common values we have and that we need for our sustenance. But these are pushed and created into absurd and in place of ignorance much artificially takes root. We carry around that we should be this or that. Or that we should have or act this way, or have or act that way. We are carrying around most of the time concerns that are not our own, that we have never actually needed to take upon ourselves. But we do. Because being busy is what is right. And then we could only be home in our own safety and in our silence access the deepest of the universes vibrations. Sync with them in their ever pure nature. And we can’t because our mind is still processing tons of information that slipped through out the day into our subconscious without us being aware of it. Neglected overflow of information. Also called fatigue. The thing is that it stays with us. We don’t know and it takes the better of us. As intended. Simple things are the best. Life is not complicated. We should be able to listen to ourselves easily. We should be less confused about our purpose and existence all the time. Maha Iswara is everywhere sending us signs. And if we open our eyes and purify our senses, we will able to discern what is the true message from the source and what is built in or mascaraed on top of it. How? Because we will feel it. Our all body will speak to us. Every little cell and particle that has travelled through the all of the universe to be part of this sentient agglomerate recognizes the call and will react and respond to the call. The call to speak for Maha Iswara. With and to Maha Iswara. On behalf of Maha Iswara. Because that particle is more the whole universe than a tiny bit of a self egotistical conscious being. Being that draws in self limitation. The particle vibrates in answering the call. We can listen better. Sharpen our sensitivity. Be more accountable for the message we transfer to others and not build our own self interests on top of them constantly and with greed. We are all carrying messages to each other. Messages of angels. We are angels tools if we let be. We are Maha Iswara ever pure consciousness tools and we shall honor that. Make every angel be seen, acknowledged and thanked. Because our life is made of an infinite amount of separate extraordinary things that are fit and belong together. And they came to be this way. It is life’s own order. Life in accordance with itself. We are an important part of it and we are to give the space for it. Breathing it in and breathing it out. 12/28/2020 Sérgio Ramos
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