YES! I left Goa on a bus + train ride to Mysore, Karnataka. It has been now 15 days back in Mysore. Back to the place where I make my studies on yoga and practice Ashtanga Yoga. I’ve been busy, ocupying myself with all that interests me. Knowledge is so vast here! and while I’m here I do what I can to understand more or to prepare myself for understanding. Sometimes it only a matter of practice. “Practice, practice, practice and all is coming”. So my busy days start always with my Ashtanga asana practice (6 days a week) at 4:30 am in Saraswatis Jois Shala; then get home take a small rest and start working at 8 am til 13 pm. oh yah! I didn’t tell you! I managed to get a job serving breakfast food to the hungry yogis in exchange for my house (that here in Gokulam, Mysore are of abuse prices) and food, yummy food, in Kushis Cafe. So I just hop down the stairs, have breakfast and start receiving clients. After 13 I eat and go for Sanskrit and Hatha Yoga Pradipika class With my teacher Lakshmi, that ends at 4pm. somedays of the week, in the morning time, there is also Chanting class with all the students of the KPJAYI in the main Shala with Lakshmi, and on Saturdays there is Conference with Sharath Jois. Often I go to to my yoga philosophy teacher, Arving Pare, to ear his inspirational words on our true-self, through the teaching of Bhagavad Guita and other texts, at his house in the neighbourhood. This at 17:30pm. Then I have all the rest of the day for a big rest with myself. But throughout the day I can’t and I wouldn’t avoid having the joyfull and extraordinary company of my coleagues. I’m blessed with all teachings on all levels of such wonderfull gurus. Guiding me deep into myself own power. All these people, i’ve refered to above, are of a smiling nature, a satvic mind, of a disciplined and free atitude on life and of great devotion and love for what they are doing. In these aspects they’re what I want/ am/ will be in the future. So it is with great pleasure and with a tremendous happiness that I am doing what I am doing today. I feel blessed and supported from all corners of the universe. Thank You All!
01.02.2016 Sergio Ramos
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