Faz mais de 6 meses desde que conhecemos o Chris.
Estávamos a manter o programa Mysore durante a época baixa em Koh Phangan, Tailândia. E o Chris foi um dos alunos. Nessa altura já andávamos a projectar para o futuro, próximo ou distante, a abertura do Ashtanga Yoga Porto, como hoje o conhecemos. O Chris foi uma das primeiras pessoas com quem partilhámos a nossa ideia em fase embrionária. E foi uma ideia tão bem recebida. Passado quase 2 meses da abertura do Ashtanga Yoga recebemos a sua visita. Fizemos umas perguntas ao Chris que partilhamos convosco. Having met 6 months ago on the other side of the world, what was the impression you got from us and on the idea of this project AYP? With your idea I was fully persuaded. I felt when you said it was the right point of time. I think you have been traveling a lot before and I saw that the time was right and to build up something new. My first impression: I was overwhelmed, I think you guys did a fantastic job, and I felt that the time was there to start. We were on the other side of the world when we shared the AYP idea with you, did it sound possible? If you desire it, I thought, it will happen and should take place. After you told me, I had my coffee after the practice, and the first thing I did was checking the flights to Porto: How often they take place and how much they cost. So I could figure out if I could go there more often. I think Southern Europe would be a perfect place to do it. I have never been to Porto, but heard many positive things, and that surrounding to settle would be great. Now that you are here and 1month 1/2 open, with our project manifested. Practicing with us for 2 week and leaving in a few days. How are you feeling with the project, the teachings and the shala? I very much appreciate your approach of teaching. It is different, it is more sophisticated. This also manifested in your contemporary logo: Its fresh-ish new -ish exciting. After my visit I am even more persuaded, that you move on your way-along the decision made by heart. Within this short period you guys build-up something completely new in porto: a ashtanga community, a hospitable shala and a reliable schedule in a nice comfortable setting located in a dynamic area of Porto. I was surprised how many students have committed already, despite Corona. Your positive attitude and own dedication to yoga carries everybody along. From the time we ever first met to these last few weeks, how did you feel we contributed to your path in yoga? Already in the past when we met on Koh Phangan you both contributed to my development also on the philosophical perspective. This time you let me take a different perspective on different asanas and helped me find and feel the postures more deeply. Further you helped me to slip into more difficult postures and find rest. So I am curious on what I will find the next time I visit! Thank You Chris for sharing and practicing, and for making the world a better place. 09.08.2020
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